The following bibliography of the Cicadoidea, compiles references from 3 sources. First and foremost is the "A Bibliography of the Cicadoidea (Homoptera: Auchenorhyncha)" by Z. P. Metcalf (1962). This reference listed over 2669 works on cicadas up through 1955. The second major source is the bibliography in Catalogue of the Cicadoidea (Homoptera, Auchenorhyncha) 1956-1980. by J. P. Duffels and P. A. Van der Lann (1985). This book includes 677 references, mostly between 1956 and 1980, but does include some works prior to 1956. An additional 1,831 plus references are now included, covering references not cited in Metcalf's or Duffels and Van der Lann's works.
This bibliography should be considered a working reference, as there numerous errors and typos. I offer it as an aide to finding literature, not as an authoritative document for citing references. I would appreciate receiving notification of errors that affect the ability to find a reference, notification of unlisted references, and pdf copies of your writings about cicadas. For the more serious researcher, I am able to supply pdf files of older references no longer under copyright. I currently have about 1,000 of these references digitized into pdf files. Many older references are freely available from GoogleBooks and Links to some of these references are included. Comments and requests for pdf files of documents can be sent to: Cicadabiblio.
Link to Bibliography of the Cicadoidea
An updated listing is now complete through September 1, 2010 at: Bibliography of the Cicadoidea.
Examples of References:
Allard, H. A. 1920,Alexander, A. G. 1888,
Adams, F. C. 1893,
Other Major Bibliographic Resources on Cicadas:
DrMetcalf A resource on cicadas, leafhoppers, planthoppers, spittlebugs, and treehoppers.About the Author:
This page is produced and maintained by Timothy McNary of Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. I am an entomologist with US Department of Agriculture, working on excluding plant pests from being artificially spread to the US and to other countries by international trade, and managing the consequences of the introduction of exotic plant pests. This webpage and the bibliography is a passion of mine, and not part of my professional work.